Friday 15 July 2011

Badged Members Dinner Friday 8th July 2011 Cavalry & Guards Club London

Peter Hewlett-Smith and Jo Hook

Alison Hine & Chris Finn

Tonie Holt, Wade Russell and Mike Peters share a memory

A poor photo of some Bad Types!

Paul Oldfield, Chris Finn, Iain Standen, Tom Dormer, Graeme Cooper, Bob Darby and Mike Peters

“What’s That … A new Assignment to tackle?”

Wade Russell, Iain Standen, Tony Coutts-Britton and Mike Sheil

Valmai Holt and Christopher Newbould

Mike Peters , Iain Standen and Tony Coutts-Britton

Bob Brunsdon, Paul Oldfield, Chris Finn and Graeme Cooper

Chairman welcomes everyone

Iain Standen writes: Thank you organising the inaugural Badged Guide's annual dinner. It was a fantastic event with great food and wine, the camaraderie for which the Guild is so well-known, and in a venue that is steeped in history. To dine, and share stories and experiences, with fellow badged guides surrounded by pictures depicting some of the great battles of history really was very special. In all a tremendous evening which I hope will become a permanent and well-supported fixture in the Guild's annual calendar.
Thank you again - when is the next one?

Mike Peters writes: Thank you for a great night and for your company today.

Jo Hook writes: Thank you so much for the fantastic dinner night - the food and company were very good. Unfortunately for me I had to meet a coach at Maidstone for an Ypres trip at 06.15 the next morning otherwise I would have been there until the last woman standing. Thanks once again for all your efforts - I don’t think we appreciate them enough!

Julia Page writes: My hearty thanks to you and the Committee for such an enjoyable evening, everything seemed to 'go right'. The venue was great, the dinner actually rather good and the company splendid. I think moving seats worked well and in the future, without speeches, it could be repeated a third time. Having said that, on this occasion, however, we certainly needed the speeches and it was essential to take the opportunity for us to be warned by Tonie Holt of the necessity for considerable future changes in the Guild. That we are adaptable and face new situations is necessary and also that we make our decisions wisely so they work first time and do not have to be endlessly tinkered with. Tricky, but possible.

Tony Coutts-Britton writes: No flummery needed. It was excellent!

Paul Oldfield Writes: Many thanks for organising the inaugural dinner; it was most successful. As for the future I know there was some discussion on the night about dates and locations. London seems to work for most and the arrangement with the UJC was successful for reasonably priced accommodation. The date needs some consideration as many guides are doing what it says on the tin in July. To my mind the date needs to coincide with something else to reduce the number of annual commitments we all have to juggle. Traditions – Baby Badge should be Mr/Madam Vice.

Chris Finn writes: Many thanks for organising the inaugural Badged Guides' Dinner. Food, wine, company and location all excellent

Christopher Newbould writes: A very pleasant evening in good company – what more could one want?

Bob Brunsdon writes: A superb evening! The venue was well chosen and the tone of the evening just right - formal enough yet also relaxed. Switching places for each course was an excellent idea. The opportunity was there to speak at length with some of the more well known characters who are so often swamped at the November Dinner. I look forward to next year with perhaps the addition of an outside speaker of note. Would it be possible to arrange for our own "silver" to adorn the table next year, or would that be logistically difficult if the holders of the respective trophies weren't attending? Thank you, Graeme, for all your work in arranging it.

Wade Russell writes:
Well done on the Badged Guides Dinner last weekend which I enjoyed very much despite the flawed mathematics of the moveable feast!

Alison Hine writes: Many thanks for organising such an excellent event. Good company, good food, pleasant surroundings - just a pity there weren't more of us. When's the next one?

Piers Storie-Pugh writes: I enjoyed the evening in many ways; especially seeing old friends - in particular T & V Holt who are great friends. I found the musical chairs a bit tiresome and not conducive to a formal dinner but that is just my opinion. We were a small enough group to chat across the table. The food was excellent as was the room you chose. Toni Holt's speech was superb, incisive and a reminder of what we need to concentrate on. It was a shame that the wine ran out before the Loyal Toast. I would have preferred this event to have been formal. All in all a very enjoyable evening and well done for the initiative and for setting it up.

Peter Hewlett-Smith writes: What a splendid evening spent amongst so many friends – magnificently organised and very enjoyable – it was a shame that I had to leave so early. Many thanks.

Graeme Cooper writes: The Badged Members Dinner … A first opportunity for the Guild Members who wear that Badge to assemble socially and reflect about ‘The Validation Road’. For they who have experienced that journey, for they who have been ‘Referred Club’ anointed, and for they to remember and exchange Dragon’s Den stories….. this was the Inaugural Dinner for the Badged Members to celebrate their achievement. Peter Hewlett-Smith said Grace, Tony Coutts-Britton welcomed everyone. Bob Brunsdon read our Greetings and best wishes from Paul Naish (GBG African Rep), Bob Darby read out the apologies from 18 other Badged Guides and best wishes from ‘Wannerbe’ Badge Holders Tony Smith and James Dinsdale. Tonie Holt gave a rallying speech, Tom Dormer read out a greeting from Dudley Giles and Mike Peters (Mr Vice) read out an encouraging and supportive Letter from Alain Chissel of Anglia Tours. Gordon Hill’s words were well received by all and one Badged Guide carried a ladies handbag into Dinner… Mike Peters do you know who that was?