Thursday 12 December 2013

AGM Bromsgrove 2013

Thank you very much indeed to the Chairman, Secretary and Council for a really good weekend in Bromsgrove. I particularly enjoyed the two Fellowship Presentations that I managed to catch. The best aspect of the weekend was the number of keen new members who attended and it was a great pleasure to meet both them and the “Old and Bold”. As the Guild member responsible for closing the bar (unofficial but key role that I used to share with Wethers but now do alone) it was a relief to stay somewhere that did actually have a closing time and did not just stay open until breakfast. Food, especially the Guild Dinner, and all aspects of administration were spot on. As my retirement from the Army rushes towards me I will hopefully deliver of my “notes to self” to produce photos for website, article for Despatches and organise an event. On the latter Chris Finn and I are planning to combine to deliver a weekend in 2015 entitled “The BEF from the Maas to the Lys. May 1940” as an antidote to the wave of Great War tours we will all be doing

John Cotterill 

Thanks very much for super weekend.
You both did and continue to do an excellent job.
The Guild is in safe hands.

 Chris Scott

Members at the Annual Dinner

Many thanks for all your hard work that made the Guild weekend a success. These things I know don’t just happen and its much appreciated.

Keep up the good work!!

 Tim Saunders

The Dutch Contingent

Great weekend. Many thanks for all your efforts.

Paul Oldfield

Steve Stewart of STG

Thank you for the invite to the AGM. Steve and I found it most enjoyable and enlightening and it was great to make contact with some more guides who are interested in the project.

Gillian Ruff STG

I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the Guild AGM weekend and it was good to see so many people becoming serious guides. Great honour also to present the Will Townend prize – speech was off the cuff with ten minutes notice and slightly slurred due to high consumption of very good wine!

Alain Chissel

Mike Sheil with the Loos Football

Many thanks for your organisation of a great weekend, it was thoroughly enjoyable.

Brian Shaw

The Assembled Membership

Just a quick email to thank you for last week-end and to say how much I enjoyed it.

Vivien Whelpton